




1. 学んだこと





2. 日英混じり文

梅原さんは、自分がゲームにどのようにimmersedし、それが彼の人生にどのようにimpactを与えたかについて詳述しています。彼は11歳でゲーム、特にfighting gamesに出会い、そのworldに深く引き込まれました。アーケードで過ごす時間が増え、徐々にそのfieldでのskillsを磨いていきました。彼は、ゲームにfocusすることで学校でのrelationshipsが悪化し、一時はisolatedしていたことも明かしていますが、アーケードのcommunityに属することで新たな居場所を見つけました。

彼のキャリアは、地元のアーケードから始まり、やがてnational tournamentsでのvictoryにまで至りました。彼は、プロゲーマーとしてのlifeがどのようなものか、そしてそのpathを選んだreasonについて語ります。特に、彼がemphasizeするのは、自分のvaluesや意思でdecisionsをする重要性です。

梅原さんは、自分のstoryを通じて、passionを追求すること、そして自分自身にとって何がimportantかをunderstandすることの大切さを強調しています。彼の話は、challengesとsuccess、そしてゲームへのpure loveに満ちています。

3. 英訳

Mr.Umehara spent a lot of time in game centers and became really good at playing. But, because he was playing games so much, he didn’t spend much time with his friends at school and felt lonely sometimes. However, he made many new friends in the game center and felt like it was a place where he belonged.

Daigo started playing games in his local game center and worked hard until he won competitions all over the country. He talks about what it’s like to live as a professional gamer and why he chose to play games for a living. He says it’s important to care about what you love and make decisions that feel right to you.

Daigo’s story teaches us how important it is to work hard towards our dreams and find out what matters to us. His life is full of different challenges and successes, and you can feel his true love for games.

4. 簡単訳

Mr.Umehara played a lot at game centers and became really good at it. But, he didn’t play much with friends at school, so he was lonely sometimes. But, he made a lot of new friends at the game center and felt it was his special place.

Daigo started playing games at his local game center and ended up winning big tournaments all over the country. He talks about his life as a professional gamer and why he chose to do gaming. He says it’s important to care about what you love and do what your heart decides.

Daigo’s story shows us how important it is to work hard for your dreams and find what’s important to you. His life is full of many challenges and successes, and you can feel his real love for games.

