












The speaker, Jeff Brown, is a language enthusiast who sets out to demonstrate how to acquire a new language within a year, using Arabic as an example due to its reputation for difficulty. He emphasizes the difference between learning a language, which is a more traditional, rule-based approach often used in schools, and acquiring a language, which is a more natural and intuitive process similar to how children pick up their first language.

Brown argues that acquisition is more powerful than learning and explains that it involves absorbing a language unconsciously through “comprehensible input,” which is language input that one can understand even if not all the words are known. He suggests that grammar should not be the focus of language acquisition and that, instead, one should immerse oneself in the language through listening and speaking.

He discusses two teaching methods that align closely with natural language acquisition: the Natural Approach and TPRS (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling). Both methods prioritize understanding and producing language naturally without explicit grammar instruction or correction.

Brown also references the U.S. State Department’s categorization of languages by difficulty for English speakers, noting that languages like Spanish, French, and Italian are considered easier to acquire due to many cognates, while languages like Arabic, Chinese, and Japanese are categorized as more difficult.

He plans to focus on listening and speaking Arabic without reading or writing, arguing that reading and writing can come later after acquiring a substantial vocabulary and a good grasp of the spoken language. Brown encourages finding a “language parent” – someone who speaks the language fluently and can help with the acquisition process.

In summary, the video advocates for a natural and intuitive approach to language acquisition, focusing on comprehensible input and speaking over traditional grammar study, and provides a roadmap for acquiring a new language within a year.


The person talking in the video, Jeff Brown, loves languages a lot. He wants to show us how to learn a new language in one year. He’s going to try to learn Arabic because it’s known to be a really tough language.

Jeff tells us that there’s a big difference between just learning a language in school, where you memorize all the rules, and actually getting to know the language like you naturally learned to talk when you were a baby. He thinks the natural way is much better.

He talks about two ways of teaching languages that are like the natural way babies learn. One is called the Natural Approach, and the other is TPRS, which stands for Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling. Both of these ways don’t focus on grammar rules too much. Instead, they help students understand and use the language just by listening and talking a lot.

Jeff also mentions a list made by the U.S. State Department that ranks languages by how hard they are for people who speak English. Spanish, French, and Italian are easier because they have a lot of words that sound like English words. But Arabic, Chinese, and Japanese are harder and take more time to learn.

He plans to learn Arabic by listening and speaking a lot, not worrying about reading and writing at first. Jeff thinks it’s important to find someone who speaks the language really well to help you learn it, like a family member, a friend, or a coworker.

In the end, the video is about learning a new language by really getting into it, listening, and speaking a lot, not just studying books and grammar. Jeff wants to show that anyone can pick up a new language in a year if they try this natural way.


Jeff Brownは、language enthusiastとして、1年以内に新しいlanguageをacquireする方法を示しています。彼はArabicを例に取り、そのdifficultyに挑戦します。彼はtraditionalな学習方法と自然なacquisitionの違いを強調し、後者がよりpowerfulだと主張しています。

彼は、comprehensible inputを通じて無意識のうちにlanguageをabsorbすることがacquisitionの鍵であると説明します。Grammarに焦点を当てるよりも、listeningとspeakingを通じてlanguageにimmerseすることが重要です。

Natural ApproachとTPRS(Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling)という二つのteaching methodsを紹介し、これらはnaturalなlanguage acquisitionに密接にalignしています。これらのmethodsは、explicitなgrammar instructionやcorrectionなしに、languageを理解し、自然にproduceすることを優先します。

Brownは、English speakersにとってのlanguage difficultyについても触れ、SpanishやFrench、Italianなどは多くのcognatesがあるためeasierであるのに対し、ArabicやChinese、Japaneseなどはよりdifficultと分類されていることをnoteします。

彼は、readingやwritingに焦点を当てずに、spoken languageのvocabularyとgraspを得た後で、それらを学ぶことをplanしています。Language parentを見つけることのimportanceもencourageしています。これは、fluentにlanguageを話す人がacquisition processを助けることができる人です。

Summaryとして、このvideoはtraditionalなgrammar studyよりも、comprehensible inputとspeakingに焦点を当てたnaturalでintuitiveなlanguage acquisition approachをadvocateしており、1年以内に新しいlanguageをacquireするためのroadmapを提供しています。


  1. language:言語[名詞] 例文: “English is a widely spoken language around the world.”
  2. enthusiast:熱狂者[名詞] 例文: “He is an enthusiast of medieval history.”
  3. acquire:習得する[動詞] 例文: “She hopes to acquire fluency in Spanish within a year.”
  4. difficulty:難しさ[名詞] 例文: “The difficulty of the task was underestimated.”
  5. comprehensible:理解できる[形容詞] 例文: “The instructions were clear and comprehensible.”
  6. input:入力、投入[名詞] 例文: “Feedback is a valuable form of input for continuous improvement.”
  7. grammar:文法[名詞] 例文: “Learning grammar is essential for mastering a language.”
  8. listening:聞くこと[名詞] 例文: “Active listening is a key skill in communication.”
  9. speaking:話すこと[名詞] 例文: “Public speaking can be a powerful tool for persuasion.”
  10. immerse:没頭する[動詞] 例文: “To learn a new language, one must immerse oneself in it.”
  11. methods:方法[名詞] 例文: “Various methods can be applied to solve this problem.”
  12. align:一致する[動詞] 例文: “His interests align with the goals of the company.”
  13. produce:生産する、創出する[動詞] 例文: “The company aims to produce high-quality products.”
  14. explicit:明白な[形容詞] 例文: “She gave explicit instructions on how to proceed.”
  15. correction:訂正[名詞] 例文: “The document required several corrections before submission.”
  16. cognates:語源が同じ単語[名詞] 例文: “Spanish and Italian have many cognates due to their Latin roots.”
  17. plan:計画[名詞] 例文: “They have a solid plan for the business’s future.”
  18. vocabulary:語彙[名詞] 例文: “A rich vocabulary helps you to express yourself more precisely.”
  19. grasp:理解[名詞] 例文: “She quickly had a firm grasp of the complex concepts.”
  20. encourage:励ます[動詞] 例文: “The teacher encourages her students to try their best.”
  21. fluent:流暢な[形容詞] 例文: “He became fluent in Japanese after living in Tokyo for five years.”
  22. advocate:支持する[動詞] 例文: “She advocates for environmental protection.”
  23. roadmap:道筋、計画[名詞] 例文: “The project roadmap outlines all the necessary steps for completion.”
  24. intuitive:直感的な[形容詞] 例文: “She has an intuitive understanding of the children’s needs.”


  1. pick up:習得する、学ぶ[熟語] 例文: “She was able to pick up Italian very quickly while living in Rome.”
  2. set out:始める、出発する[熟語] 例文: “He set out to write a novel, dedicating two hours each day to the task.”
  3. focus on:焦点を当てる[熟語] 例文: “The new curriculum will focus on practical language usage rather than theoretical knowledge.”
  4. come later:後で来る、後回しにする[熟語] 例文: “Understanding the nuances of the language will come later; for now, focus on building a basic vocabulary.”

